Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Marr Marr

It gives me a great deal of pleasure to register this Brugmansia as Marr Marr.
Like I've said in the past, every Brug I have has a story, whether bought, grown or 
received from a friend.

Marr Marr is the name given by my friend Dan Carter in memory of his late sweet golden retriever Marley. Dan did name a brugmansia for her, but alas the plant didn't survive its over wintering. But Dan did manage to cross Marley the Brugmansia with his fantastic cross of M.E.W . He kindly sent me some seeds of the cross and I grew out 7 seedlings.  So we hatched a plan that if anyone of them was worthy  then we must name one for her.
So Marr Marr was her nickname, and I'm really proud to register this brug in her memory.   

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