Monday, December 24, 2018

Mum's Brugmansia Bed

My Mum bless  her, as well as my wife Angie has had to put up with my enthusiasm of growing Brugmansias. She always gets given some Brugmansias to grow in her garden every year but sensibly rations my gifts. I've always wanted for her to enjoy them for their colour and scent, and this year it all came together nicely. 

Here's her raised bed , made from an old filing cabinet. 

Also in Mum's raised bed is her Brugmansia named Goff's Girl. Its in the picture but just dropping into its flowering position. So as they say on Tv, here's one I made earlier.

Just because 2

Snooty Lady was sent to me many years ago by Edna, after a played a part in naming her.
Edna was looking for a suitable name, and due to her almost regal way she held herself in bloom, I noted she was a Snooty Lady. The name stuck with Edna and I can't tell you how proud I was to have a hand in naming her.  Isn't she a cracker !

Another gem in the garden was my dabble with Inca Sun with El Dorado. It turned about to be a smaller version of El D  with its same sunny deposition . Not sure I'll ever name this, but it a keeper for me as its so cheery.

Another splash of sunshine came from DS Little Sun which I experimented with this summer. It has a low growing sprawling nature and it was sometimes difficult to look up into its blooms, so I though Id have a go at growing it in a hanging basket . Even I thought I was maybe pushing boundaries but it turned out beautifully . Lesson is to do it anyway, its only going to go two ways.  

See for yourselves

Suzies Pink, named for for sister is a great bloomer, and has a great colour and attitude.
Hope to post more pictures of her next summer, this picture reminded me of a raspberry sorbet ice cream against the blue sky.

and finally my first yellow Aurea pictured against the palms and bananas.  I'm always happy to see it flower and smell that amazing talc scent.

Just because..

What can I say, its winter and I'm having withdrawal symptoms from not being in the garden.
So I am looking at some of my many pictures taken this year and thought it would be good to share a picture or two.

First up is Archangel, a rolls royce of a Aurea hybrid

Secondly, this is Whitney sent over to me by my good friend Alvin last summer as a bare cutting. It rooted so easily and what a surprise she turned out to be,  flamboyant and highly scented with a spicy marzipan tone. 

Next is Grand Marnier, an old classic and still one of the most reliable and fragrant of singles. This picture was taken round my good friend Terry's garden. Much to my envy he grows them big and blooming .


Welcome to the newly registered Rudy,

This another seedling that I've grown on from my Buddy Dan from his cross from M.E.W x Marley .

This was the first of seven , that produced a multi coloured bloom of Yellow and Pink , with a hint of green within the bloom. For the second year it bloomed well and displayed itself with long lasting horizontal blooms. So it was the right time to name and register him. 

No surprise that I once again struggled with a suitable name, because it means alot to me to grow and own them. So he is named Rudy for Dan, as this is his Brugmansia forum name, and as I've now learnt that it was the name of one of Dan's much loved past dogs.

Sylvanian Sunshine

I was sent this cross of Rothkirch x Herbstzauber from my friend  Edna , and years later I  was asked to name this ray of sunshine.

So I racked my pea like brain for a worthy name, and finally came to a decision that stemmed from where the hybrid was from and the people involved in Pennsylvania . 
So it was named Sylvanian Sunshine  for Alice. Edna and Dan.