Friday, May 25, 2018

Angels's Trumpets...a definition!

Brugmansias also known as Angel Trumpets come in all forms, shapes, colours and sizes.
But the yellow Aurea for me defines the description of a trumpet even on a grey day

Never ceases to make me smile as Ii can always count on it to bloom and release that special aurea scent

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Life is like a box of never know what you gonna get

So said the philosopher Forrest Gump, and it relates perfectly to hybridizing Brugmansias.
Recessive genes within the seeds make it a bit of a lottery  but sometimes you can create something quite special. 

I'm a newbie to this in all honestly it's a buzz to see something you created with just a cotton bud. 
It forms a seed pod, you watch it grow on , and you often wait two years after getting it through a winter in the heated  greenhouse before it matures and flowers.

Here's one I crossed , Aube Sanguine a fiery orange in good temperatures and El Dorado a stand out yellow Aurea hybrid from J.T Sessions.

Happily the Orange is transferred by Aube Sanguine and  El Dorado has brought its head up with larger tendrils( twangers) and brought with it's strong Aurea like talc scent.

Even if it never gets registered, I like it's free flowering nature and exotic looks.  

Here's an update, the 3rd bloom has decided to puff itself out and show another side to itself.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Rothkirch x Herbstzauber

This is a hybrid from Brug Guru Alice Harris , grown out by fellow Guru Dan Carter. Both of them create great aurea hybrids, and over the years have given me the inspiration to have a go at hybridizing myself. Both I'm lucky enough to know as friends, even though we've never met.

This cross is from the notoriously elusive, fussy but beautiful Aurea Rothkirch , a  single pink, and Herbstzauber  a double orange from Germany . 

This is the result, of course this is the first bloom in our cool english climate and throughout the season it will right itself. But already I can see the promise of the colour, and I can vouch for the scent which is very strong of an evening.

Just needs a name, Dan over to you Dude!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Zuni Yellow Spider

As promised a picture of Zuni Yellow Spider showing two very distinct skirts. Believe me she is very much a shape shifter which can be bi coloured and usually has what they call a stuffed skirt.

I'll take more pictures of her throughout the season.
She's an amazing Brugmansia from a great lady called Edna from Zuni, Virginia U.S.A 

Monday, May 7, 2018

A lady that is keeping me waiting..Zuni Yellow Spider

This particular lady with a double skirt has been threatening to flower for days and is taking her own sweet time..but she is truly worth we wait . I'll post a picture of Zuni Yellow Spider very soon

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Oldie..but a goldie..Yellow Aurea

I've had this yellow Aurea for many years and it is still a favourite of mine for many reasons.
It is the first Brugmansia to flower outside despite the unseasonal weather,so is a little reluctant to open fully. For me it is just simply so sunny and cheery.

Also I think it looks pretty good up against the Iris Blue fence, which was painted this year to showcase the colours of different Brugs. Previously it was painted a shade of Damson  and it was a great colour, but wasn't the best backdrop for a say a pink. I guess it's just a bit of garden theatre.

Got bit of thing for blue, it's my favourite colour and anything that gives off that Mediterranean vibe is fine with me.