Sunday, April 29, 2018

Say hello to the family

I've been lucky enough to been given Brugmansia seeds by friends both here and overseas , and a while ago I got creative with a Johnson's Cotton Bud ( I've now upgraded to a posh fine art brush)  and had a go at cross pollinating .  

It takes on average two years for a seedling to flower especially in our climate, and its always fascinating to see what comes from it.  The aim is to make a hybrid that takes the characteristics of two plants to create a  possible Frankenbloom that could surpass and improve or blend your chosen plants.

But it's a lottery really, every seed within the pod can be different, be it colour, leaf shape, vigour or scent. The bottom line is it can be fun experimenting.   

I'd like to introduce you to some Brugmansias that have been registered with Brugmansia Growers International (  Great site ) and named after my wife and family.  

Angie's Blush for my wife.

Angie Leigh , thought I'd pollinated two singles, but a bee beat me to it, and the result was even better.

Goff's Girl named for my Mum with a nod to my Grandad Goffin. It's a real shape shifter. Mum Loves it!

Bill's Gold, named for my late Dad. Just quite what he would of made a flower being named after him I'll never know. But he has another one coming later this year. 

Next up is Suzie's Pink for my sister, which is prolific but not easy to root.
I'm trying to air-layering this one...I'm a little nervous!

and finally, well for now, a cold variety Brugmansia named after my wife's favourite tipple Rioja


After being out of action with a shoulder injury ( no gardening ) I've ventured into doing a blog for showing my Brugmansias . I have a point and click camera and just simply like to take photographs of them in our garden. 

Thought I'd start of with zinger of Brugmansia, given to me as a cutting from a friend after seeing it in his garden. This picture is from last summer, in the evening as the sun was going down. 
It's a german cultivar called Dola Goldentrumpete as it has a strong marzipan scent that oftens drifts into the late morning too..enjoy